Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fun Winter Craft!

Ojo de Dios....or God's Eyes
A fun, fun winter project!

The last (and first) time I made these was in 4th grade.  I remember Mr. Flood's class- sitting on our desks weaving our God's Eyes while listening to 'Eye of the Tiger' by Survivor.  It was a very tiny, very relaxed elementary school and I have fond memories of my years there.

These beautiful woven crafts are made by the Huichole indians of northwestern Mexico. One tradition is for the father of a new baby to weave the center when the baby is born, then adding another color/layer every year until the child is five.  The eye represents the loving, watchful eye of God.

You can check out directions for making these here and here.

The wooden dowels can be any size you want- or you can be more authentic and use sticks.  I bought an inexpensive package of wooden dowels at Walmart for 99 cents.  (Our sticks outdoors were covered by snow.)

Throw on some music or a great book on CD and let those hands get busy! 
 Content copyright © 2011 by Jessa at Graceful Landing

1 comment:

  1. Mom~ I love making those and I still have some sticks!


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