Sunday, June 19, 2016

Noble and Brave

Fathers.  Dads.
 A title that can be daunting and draining at times, yet is one of the greatest titles a man can carry.

 Certain men have shaped my life and I'm forever grateful for them.

My sweetheart has grown into his role of father through the years and it has been an amazing development.  He embraces his children and grandchildren with a firm but tender heart, and teaches them with his quiet example.  He's grown into a fine man from the boy I once knew.

He has worked hard for our family, supporting me in all my endeavors, and blessed my life with our six wonderful children.  I am a lucky woman.  I was able to stay home with my babies, teach them and create a rich home life for our family. 

 I love this guy!

My own dad, Daniel.

 It's hard to express just how I feel about him.  There's an overflow of love mixed with a fierce pride in who I come from.  I am Daniel's daughter.  Those are powerful words.

My step-dad, Joel.
Kind, patient, long-suffering through my teen years and an excellent instructor in many life skills.
I was honored to be the recipient of his parenting. Still am.

My grandfather, James.
No one is luckier than I in the department of grandpa.  This guy is the perfect combination of stern, loving and light-hearted.  Devoted to my grandma and a gentleman through and through.
The only grandpa I've every known.

 Last, but not least, my namesake, Jesse.  My great-grandfather, who I never met, but whose name I'm forever grateful for.
I now have a grandson with that name as well.
I feel the need to live in such a way as to make him proud.  To make all of them proud.
Good men have the power to affect their families in amazing ways.

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