Friday, July 11, 2014



Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.
My hope and prayer for my children is that they grow up with wisdom and with the desire to embrace truth, integrity, goodness, knowledge, hard work, charity for others, faith and prayer
 That they stand up against the tide of meaningless materialism and media and seek out knowledge of worth.  
Becoming great readers and critical thinkers, finding balance between working with their minds, bodies and spirits.  
 Lifting others up, encouraging them, giving service.  Humble instead of proud, teachable instead of stubborn.  
Going to their knees when they need to find answers and then getting up and going to work.  
Fulfilling their duties to the best of their abilities; striving for excellence- making choices and knowing how to choose best over better or good- but knowing it's okay when at times they fall short.  Fixing things quickly when they know they've made mistakes- changing their ways and asking forgiveness of those they've hurt.

Knowing who they are.
Remembering what they've been taught.
Believing in something greater than they can possibly imagine.

Feeling gratitude every single day for this amazing world and the blessing they've been given to have a life here with a loving family. 
Taking what they've been taught and teaching it to their own children as well as others who have never known what they have. 

 This, I know will bring them fulfillment and happiness.

JOY= Jesus (and his teachings) first, Others second, Yourself last.

I love what Gordon B. Hinckley says in this video.  He's speaking to followers of Christ. This is what I want to say to my own precious children.  A speech given not long before he passed away.  The music someone added is a little loud and perhaps a bit corny, but his words are powerfulListen.

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